the soul knows..

the soul knows..
only love can make a cold heart melt

thoughts to ponder..

There is nothing holier in this life of ours than the first consciousness of love—the first fluttering of its silken wings—the first rising sound and breath of that wind which is so soon to sweep through the soul, to purify or destroy.
~ Longfellow

There are as many nights as days and the one is just as long as the other in the year's course. Even a happy life cannot be without a measure of darkness and the word 'happy' would lose its meaning if it were not balanced by sadness. ~ Carl Jung

Saturday, June 30, 2012

the enigma..

to me, it is a puzzling word all in itself.. no surprise the word itself means 'riddle'.. to quote an entry from the website, (my favorite dictionary/thesaurus website, by the way), the origin & (very) short history of the word enigma is as follows: "mid-15c., from L. aenigma "riddle," from Gk. ainigma, from ainissesthai "speak obscurely, speak in riddles," from ainos "fable, riddle," of unknown origin.

synonyms of this word include bewilderment, conundrum, parable.. i am sure you are wondering where i am going with this... but, in time, the enigma of which i speak, will reveal itself in due time.. in the way i think, i usually analyze my thoughts before they come out, which usually leads to most people not understanding a word i am saying or think that i should be committed to a modern-day version of bedlam..

so, here is an attempt at trying to explain what i am talking about.. as i get older, i've run across people from my past that have offered some of the most impressive, humbling compliments to me about me.. i wonder what i had done to them in the short time our paths crossed to be thought of in such an inspiring, thoughtful light.. i have done nothing extraordinary, nothing i would consider inspiring.. i listen, i offer encouraging words, lend a hand when needed..  yet, when i think of myself, i am often moody, often unapproachable, live within my own self-imposed fortress trying, sometimes in complete vain, to avoid all contact with other humans..

two different people residing in the same corporeal body..?  is that possible..?  i thought that was how a schizophrenic may be described (no offense to people who are afflicted with this horrible condition and may science one day conquer it so they may have a chance at a normal life).. have i become an enigma..?  a person that is puzzling, a paradox and a riddle and an otherwise inscrutable, mysterious person.?  why would someone be inspired by a riddle..?

as i write this, my mind is already analyzing the sematics involved in what a riddle is.. after thinking about it, i have come to a conclusion that a riddle is words, that when put together in some interesting, convoluted fashion, makes no sense yet actually has a meaning which, under further analysis, sheds light on something that once held no meaning and thus rendering it thought-provoking..

am i person that projects an image i want people to see as opposed to the one that lurks beneath the surface..?  am i a fraud, a facade, a pretender..?  i have no idea which.. i have days when i cannot decide whether i want tea, hot chocolate or a peanut butter-n-jelly sandwich and yet i am told i inspire.. could it be that i am uncomfortable accepting a compliment..?  but how can one accept a compliment of such a magnitude without becoming an arrogant, conceitied sort..?

so, i sit here on a beautiful day, wondering what i have done and wondering why i should be worthy of such a thing..  perhaps that is another riddle in many riddles i will come across and attempt to decipher during my lifetime, whether it is a short one or a long one (the women in my family have a tendency to life really long lives so i many have many, many years left to ponder this *ha* conundrum)..

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