i woke up this morning to the sound of my annoying alarm.. 6:05am.. opening my eyes, i saw the tree outside my bathroom window moving as if a group of monkeys were shaking it, but it was only the wind and i quickly realize my room is cold from leaving my two bedroom windows open as well as one of the bathroom windows.. ugh, i quickly cover myself with my down comforter, snuggling closer to my favorite pillow.. 5 minutes later, i am more wide awake than as if i had drank an entire pot of coffee.. lovely, it's now 6:10am.. well, no better time to get up than now.. i wander into the bathroom with its cold tile floor and catch a glimpse of myself.. "whoa, easy there, simba, you have some nice hair going on there..! " my reflection so eloquently points out.. even my reflection is part of my very own peanut gallery..
so, i turn on the shower and realize i have a guest.. a very small guest, about the size of a quarter, hanging out in the corner of the shower next to the open window.. how nice to start out the day with wind, cold air and a hairy spider.. don't i just have all the luck..?! after a few moments of a stare-down between me and that unwelcome spider, i decide to leave him/her alone and take a quick shower.. i purposely keep my eye on it; would suck if i had that spider jump into my hair and i break the glass on the shower doors as i scream trying to get out.. after 10 minutes pass, the spider lives to see another day and my shower doors remain intact..
i spend the next 15 minutes trying to wake up my child to no avail.. she is just knocked out and oblivious to all around her.. i wish i could sleep like that, but that's another story and i am sure medication would be involved.. not yet 7am, i already hear the chimes alerting me i have email messages waiting for me and then a text message at 7 on the dot.. don't people know those who work at home don't start working until after morning coffee and a lunch with friends..??
so, after i finally am able to rouse my sleeping child and get her dressed, we make our way out of the house, into the cool, windy morning to the car.. i am actually looking forward to going to the gym.. as we leave the driveway and head to the freeway a couple of miles away, she chats up a storm and soon we are both laughing; hardly the sound for a morning commute.. pointing out cars, counting trucks and not caring we are sitting in 5-mph traffic, completely surrounded by sour faces and impatient drivers..
after 25 minutes of driving from one side of the hill to the other and zipping along some city streets, we pull into the parking lot at the gym.. after signing in and getting her to the kid's club, i make my way to the treadmill.. what kind of day will this be..? let's see what a constant training session does.. after trying to run up an incline of 13.0 at 2.5-mph, i abandon that after 3 1/2 laps around the 'track' on the screen.. i reset the machine to 2.9-mph and begin to 'cool down', but something happens, i find myself increasing the speed to 3.8-mph then to 4.0-mph and i'm running.. how is this possible..?
about 30 minutes and 2-1/2 miles later, i didn't matter how it was possible.. so, how's that for a day that began with wind, cold tile and a hairy spider..?
the soul knows..

only love can make a cold heart melt
thoughts to ponder..
There is nothing holier in this life of ours than the first consciousness of love—the first fluttering of its silken wings—the first rising sound and breath of that wind which is so soon to sweep through the soul, to purify or destroy.
~ Longfellow
There are as many nights as days and the one is just as long as the other in the year's course. Even a happy life cannot be without a measure of darkness and the word 'happy' would lose its meaning if it were not balanced by sadness. ~ Carl Jung
~ Longfellow
There are as many nights as days and the one is just as long as the other in the year's course. Even a happy life cannot be without a measure of darkness and the word 'happy' would lose its meaning if it were not balanced by sadness. ~ Carl Jung
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